Aviation Medicine Consultations
Answers to all of your Aviation Medicine questions
There are only 3 options an Aviation Medical Examiner has at the time of the examination…therefore, an Aviation Medicine Consultation is highly recommended.
Issue - the AME can issue you a medical certificate. Actually, the AME has 14 days from the time of the examination to send to the FAA (in case there are minor reports needed).
Defer - the AME defers the application to the FAA to decide; which can often take months to figure out and will require further medical information.
Deny - the AME can deny your application. This is extremely rare and is not advised by the FAA.
Questions about Medical Certification?
Accurate and helpful answers to aeromedical questions and pre-certification screening. Tips for passing your next FAA medical exam, guidance on FAA approved medications, Special Issuance (waiver) specifications, physical and psychological fitness guidance, fitness & nutrition information, FAA medical regulations for pilots and FAA medical standards & protocols.
Assistance with navigation of the complex and sometimes overwhelming certification process with expertise and efficiency.
Unfortunately, many pilots attempt FAA medical applications without help. They typically submit inadequate records. According to the FAA over 90% of pilots who were denied FAA medical certification in 2017 failed to provide the documentation required to obtain FAA medical certification approval. The complexity and frustration of dealing with the FAA can be overwhelming at times.